Questions to Ask Before Your Pet’s Surgery

Is your pet going to be having surgery soon? There are some questions that owners should ask before their pet’s surgery, and that better clarify what to do when your pet comes home. For Pet Care and a Vet near me, contact Liberty Vet Pets offering Veterinary Hospital & Home Visit Services around Philadelphia.

What is the pet’s diagnosis?

Make sure that the veterinarian is clear with you regarding your pet’s diagnosis and the reason for Pet Surgery, to start. There may be other treatment options available. As for Spaying & Neutering, this is a common and necessary procedure to keep your pets healthy and to reduce the number of animals that need homes.

Will anesthesia be used during the surgery?

Ask about the kind of anesthesia that will be used during the procedure to determine how fast your pet recovers after. Also, the vet should cover the risks of anesthesia with owners at this time.

What are the possible complications and risks?

Speaking of risks, always inquire about the risks and complications surrounding the procedure. There are always some risks involved with surgery, but information can help alleviate some concerns.

What is the Veterinarian’s experience with this procedure?

Go ahead and ask about the provider’s experience and expertise with this type of surgery. Ask who will be monitoring and watching your pet during their recovery period, too.

What is the pet’s prognosis?

Always ask about the prognosis that you can expect for your pet. Find out how this procedure improves or enhances the outcome for your pet.

Will the pet be warm during surgery and recovery?

Anesthesia can make your pet chilly; ask how your pet will be kept warm and comfortable during their surgical procedure.

How will the pet’s pain be managed?

Find out before the surgery how your veterinarian will manage and control your pet’s post-op pain. Always reach out to your vet if you sense that your pet is in pain or experiencing discomfort after their surgery.

What does post-op care look like?

Get clear and thorough post-op instructions to provide the fastest recovery for your pet after surgery. This may include diet, medication, limits on activity, wound care, and wearing a cone. Depending on the type of surgery, there are now inflatable neck pillows that pets can wear comfortably instead of the cone.

For a Veterinarian in Philadelphia, a Mobile Veterinary service may be your best option; contact us today to schedule Pet Exams in the area.

Don’t stress your pet out with a vet’s office full of other animals- call Liberty Vet Pets, for Veterinary Hospital & Home Visit Services in the Philadelphia area. We offer services ranging from pet exams to spaying & neutering.

Questions to Ask Before Your Pet’s Surgery

Is your pet going to be having surgery soon? There are some questions that owners should ask before their pet’s surgery, and that better clarify what to do when your pet comes home. For Pet Care and a Vet near me, contact Liberty Vet Pets offering Veterinary Hospital & Home Visit Services around Philadelphia.

What is the pet’s diagnosis?

Make sure that the veterinarian is clear with you regarding your pet’s diagnosis and the reason for Pet Surgery, to start. There may be other treatment options available. As for Spaying & Neutering, this is a common and necessary procedure to keep your pets healthy and to reduce the number of animals that need homes.

Will anesthesia be used during the surgery?

Ask about the kind of anesthesia that will be used during the procedure to determine how fast your pet recovers after. Also, the vet should cover the risks of anesthesia with owners at this time.

What are the possible complications and risks?

Speaking of risks, always inquire about the risks and complications surrounding the procedure. There are always some risks involved with surgery, but information can help alleviate some concerns.

What is the Veterinarian’s experience with this procedure?

Go ahead and ask about the provider’s experience and expertise with this type of surgery. Ask who will be monitoring and watching your pet during their recovery period, too.

What is the pet’s prognosis?

Always ask about the prognosis that you can expect for your pet. Find out how this procedure improves or enhances the outcome for your pet.

Will the pet be warm during surgery and recovery?

Anesthesia can make your pet chilly; ask how your pet will be kept warm and comfortable during their surgical procedure.

How will the pet’s pain be managed?

Find out before the surgery how your veterinarian will manage and control your pet’s post-op pain. Always reach out to your vet if you sense that your pet is in pain or experiencing discomfort after their surgery.

What does post-op care look like?

Get clear and thorough post-op instructions to provide the fastest recovery for your pet after surgery. This may include diet, medication, limits on activity, wound care, and wearing a cone. Depending on the type of surgery, there are now inflatable neck pillows that pets can wear comfortably instead of the cone.

For a Veterinarian in Philadelphia, a Mobile Veterinary service may be your best option; contact us today to schedule Pet Exams in the area.

Don’t stress your pet out with a vet’s office full of other animals- call Liberty Vet Pets, for Veterinary Hospital & Home Visit Services in the Philadelphia area. We offer services ranging from pet exams to spaying & neutering.